Quantifying the Social Value of a Universal COVID-19 Vaccine

MSA team members, Rachel Glennerster (Faculty Director), Claire McMahon(Policy Analyst), and Chris Snyder (Faculty Director), along with coauthor Thomas Kelly (1Day Sooner) recently shared their research on the value of a universal COVID-19 vaccine and how to incentivize its development. 


They estimate that a universal COVID-19 vaccine that is effective against existing and future variants could provide the United States population with $1.5–$2.6 trillion more in social value than variant-specific boosters. This social value eclipses the cost of an advance market commitment to incentivize the universal vaccine by several orders of magnitude.


Learn more about these exciting findings in UChicago’s research brief and Dartmouth’s article including an interview with Chris Snyder. Dive deeper into the analysis by reading their NBER working paper.