Market Shaping Resources

Watch Videos From Our Faculty Directors, Read Explainers, and Explore Academic Writings





Understanding Market Shaping

Market shaping involves using the power of markets to address challenges where commercial incentives for innovation fall short of their social value – think neglected diseases, vaccines for future pandemics, green cement, sustainable aviation fuel, etc. Market shaping seeks to accelerate innovation by rewarding innovators for solving pressing global challenges.

Below, you will find an assortment of writings, introductory explainers, and a glossary, all designed to offer a broad overview as well as a deep dive into the world of market shaping economics.

What Are Pull Mechanisms?

Pull mechanisms are policy tools that create incentives for private sector entities to invest in research and development (R&D) and bring solutions to market. Whereas “push” funding pays for inputs (e.g. research grants), “pull” funding pays for outputs and outcomes (i.e. prizes and milestone contracts). These mechanisms “pull” innovation by creating a demand for a specific product or service, which drives private sector investment and efforts towards developing and delivering that product or technological solution.

One example of a pull mechanism is an Advance Market Commitment (AMC), which is a type of contract where a buyer, such as a government or philanthropic organization, commits to purchasing (or subsidizing) a product or service at a certain price and quantity once it becomes available. This commitment creates a market for the product or service, providing a financial incentive for innovators to invest in R&D and develop solutions to meet that demand.

An AMC was used in the early 2000s in the case of developing a pneumococcal vaccine for the strain of the virus affecting children in low and middle income countries. Another current example is Frontier, led by Stripe, which is an AMC to accelerate carbon removal.

In general, pull mechanisms are useful when we know we need an innovation, but we don’t know who is best placed to develop it or how.


Market Shaping Journal Articles, Memos and Blog Posts


  • Making Markets for Vaccines – Report of the Center for Global Development Advance Market Commitment Working Group by Ruth Levine, Michael Kremer (MSA Faculty Director), and Alice Albright, Co-Chairs


Pandemic Preparedness and Disease Prevention


Climate Change


MSA’s take on key market shaping definitions: A-Z of Market Shaping

Launch Event

Panel Discussions

The Economics of Market Shaping with Susan Athey, Michael Kremer, Jean Tirole,  and Christopher Snyder

Market Shaping to Combat Global Challenges with Catherine Bremner, Jane Flegal, Matthew Hepburn, and Rachel Glennerster from the MSA launch event at the International Monetary Fund on May 4th 2023.


Market Shaping FAQs

  • What is market shaping?
  • Why do we need market shaping?
  • What are the advantages of pull mechanisms?
  • What is an Advance Market Commitment (AMC)?
  • How large should a demand-pull incentive be?

Faculty Insights on Market Shaping

Watch our faculty directors as they introduce the key market shaping concepts